Beyond the Stigma of Drug Use, People Who Use Drugs Speak Out- Part I Drug User Union, Drug Specific, Drug Overdose, Misc ResourcesLindsey MoranoFebruary 25, 2020video, stigma, lived, experience, lived experience, compassion, inclusive, homeless, homelessness, youth, provider, batch1
What to Know about Safer Injection Sites Drug User Union, Drug Overdose, Misc Resources, Safer Injection, HCV/HIVLindsey MoranoFebruary 25, 2020text, naloxone, narcan, overdose, overdose reversal, reversal, reverse, overamping, non-responsive, overdose prevention centers, OPCs, overdose prevention sites, supervised injection facilities, safe consumption rooms, safe injection sites, safe injection rooms, fix rooms, fixing rooms, safer injection facilities, SIFs, drug consumption facilities, DCFs, drug consumption rooms, DCRs, overdose prevention, injection, IV, sterile supplies, support, withdrawal management, primary care, referrals, hepatitis C, HCV, HIV, opioids, social determinants of health, batch1
SMART Recovery Drug Treatment, Drug User UnionLindsey MoranoFebruary 25, 2020text, featured treatment, abstinence, self, help, self-help, recovery, mutual, support, mutual-support, addiction, treatment, meeting
Financial Assistance Help Misc Resources, Drug User UnionLindsey MoranoFebruary 21, 2020text, featured misc, financial, assistance, grant, money
Harm Reduction Works Drug Treatment, Drug User UnionLindsey MoranoFebruary 21, 2020text, featured treatment, recovery, treatment, prevention, meetings, programs, language, support, abstinence, self, help, self help, mutual, mutual support, addiction, meeting, hotline
Indigenizing Harm Reduction Drug User UnionGuest UserJanuary 21, 2020video, indigenizing, indigenous, Indígena, native, american, first, nation, american indians, peoples, first nations health authority, stigma, stigmatizing, discrimination, racism, racist, systemic, institutional, destigmatize, decolonize, decolonization, colonization, intersectionality, root, history, taking care of each other, community, community care, overdose, crisis, dignity, human rights, self-sovereignty, sovereignty, compassion
Reducing Stigma Drug User UnionGuest UserJanuary 21, 2020video, indigenizing, indigenous, Indígena, native, american, first, nation, american indians, peoples, first nations health authority, stigma, stigmatizing, discrimination, racism, racist, systemic, institutional, destigmatize, decolonize, decolonization, colonization, intersectionality, root, history, taking care of each other, community, community care, overdose, crisis, dignity, human rights, self-sovereignty, sovereignty, compassion