Miscarriage + Abortion Hotline Sexual HealthLindsey MoranoJuly 12, 2022text, english, batch2, reproductive health, repro, family planning, reproduction, health, healthcare, sex, pregnancy, pregnant, abortions, clinic, legal, legality, criminalization, reproductive, resource, provider, access, abortion pill, pill, abortion, self-managed, self-managing, safe, multilingual, multi-lingual, languages, toll free, toll-free, financial assistance, financial, mutual aid, funding, funds, NAF, National Abortion Federation, hotline, spanish, referral, support, espanol, doula, pelvic, misopristol, mifepristone
How to Dispose of a Syringe Safer InjectionLindsey MoranoJuly 12, 2022text, english, provider, disposal, needle disposal, sharps, gloves, hep c, hepatitis, blood, pathogens, biohazard, needle stick, exposure, safe disposal, container, pep, batch3
Drug-Induced Homicide Defense Toolkit (2021 edition) Misc ResourcesLindsey MoranoApril 4, 2022text, english, policy, law, drug use, drug, drug policy, evidence, evidence-based, drug education, war on drugs, war, provider, overdose, homicide, drug-induced homicide, drug-induced death, drug delivery resulting in death, strict liability, DIH, DDRD, batch2
Harm Reduction for PWUD Misc ResourcesLindsey MoranoNovember 14, 2021text, batch1, policy, provider, law, legislation, programming, program, program design, implementation, reform, human rights, barrier
Growing Need: Young People Who Inject Drugs Face Barriers to Access Misc ResourcesLindsey MoranoNovember 14, 2021text, batch1, policy, provider, law, legislation, youth, stigma, barrier
Academy of Perinatal Harm Reduction ParentingLindsey MoranoNovember 14, 2021mother, father, mom, dad, infant, children, child, kid, perinatal, neonatal, mental health, postparum, pregnancy, family, parent, parenting, safety, support, network, child protection, CPS, workers, provider, professional, social worker, social work, childcare, trainer, social care, service, help, law, legislation, birth plan, birth, doula, racism, antiracism
Birth Justice Resources ParentingLindsey MoranoAugust 9, 2021mother, father, mom, dad, infant, children, child, kid, perinatal, neonatal, mental health, postpartum, pregnancy, family, parent, parenting, safety, support, network, child protection, CPS, workers, provider, professional, social worker, social work, childcare, trainer, social care, service, help, law, legislation, birth plan, birth, doula, racism, antiracism
Why The War on Drugs Is a Huge Failure Misc ResourcesLindsey MoranoAugust 9, 2021video, english, policy, law, drug use, drug policy, evidence, evidence-based, drug education, war on drugs, war, provider, batch1
SSDP Just Say Know Peer Education Program Misc ResourcesLindsey MoranoAugust 9, 2021text, policy, law, english, drug, drug use, drug policy, evidence, evidence-based, drug education, behavior, prosocial, war on drugs, war, presentation, disclosure, provider, psychedelic, nightlife, batch1
Everything you think you know about addiction is wrong Misc ResourcesLindsey MoranoAugust 9, 2021video, english, policy, law, drug use, drug, drug policy, evidence, evidence-based, drug education, war on drugs, war, provider, batch1
Hep C Community Navigation Toolkit HCV/HIVLindsey MoranoOctober 5, 2020text, HCV, hep, hep c, hepatitis, sexual, sexual health, provider, healthcare, navigation, data, NYC
Motivational Interviewing for People Who Use Drugs Drug Specific, Drug Treatment, Misc ResourcesLindsey MoranoMay 7, 2020video, MI, provider, motivational interviewing, behavioral, health, healthcare, batch1
HCV Mentor & Support Group (HCMSG) HCV/HIVLindsey MoranoMarch 21, 2020text, HCV, hep, hep C, hepatitis, sexual, sexual health, provider
PrEP to Prevent HIV and Promote Sexual Health HCV/HIVLindsey MoranoMarch 21, 2020text, truvada, emtricitabine, tenofovir, disoproxil, descovy, tenofovir alafenamide, pep, prep, literature review, lit review, safe sex, safer sex, provider, PrEP, sexual, sexual health, providerHIV, pre-exposure prophylaxis, HIV prevention, batch2
Supervised Use 101 Drug Overdose, Misc Resources, Safer Injection, Drug User Union, HCV/HIVLindsey MoranoFebruary 25, 2020video, featured drug overdose, supervised, supervised use, SUS, OPS, overdose, overdose prevention, prevention, healthcare, provider, law, policy, batch1
Beyond the Stigma of Drug Use, People Who Use Drugs Speak Out- Part II Drug Overdose, Drug Specific, Drug User Union, Misc ResourcesLindsey MoranoFebruary 25, 2020video, stigma, lived, experience, lived experience, compassion, inclusive, homelessness, homeless, youth, provider, batch1
Beyond the Stigma of Drug Use, People Who Use Drugs Speak Out- Part I Drug User Union, Drug Specific, Drug Overdose, Misc ResourcesLindsey MoranoFebruary 25, 2020video, stigma, lived, experience, lived experience, compassion, inclusive, homeless, homelessness, youth, provider, batch1
Quality Healthcare Is Your Right Misc ResourcesLindsey MoranoFebruary 25, 2020text, report, researcher, academic, drug, user, drug user, people who use drugs, provider, professional, counselor, medical, compassion, stigma, stigmatizing, inclusive, inclusivity, equity, equality, human rights, overdose, crisis, opioid, health, healthcare, doctor, nurse, self-advocate, self-advocacy, discrimination, disciminatory, rights, right, guide, training, harm reduction coalition, batch1
2017 Hepatitis Report HCV/HIVLindsey MoranoFebruary 25, 2020text, HCV, hep, hep c, hepatitis, provider
What is PrEP? HCV/HIVLindsey MoranoFebruary 1, 2020video, featured hiv/hcv, prep, adherence, continuum, hiv, STD, STI, provider, truvada, emtricitabine, tenofovir, disoproxil, descovy, tenofovir alafenamide, PrEP, sexual, sexual health, HIV, pre-exposure prophylaxis, HIV prevention