How to use BTNX Rapid Response xylazine test strips Safer InjectionLindsey MoranoNovember 7, 2023batch3, fentanyl, drug testing, xylazine, test strips
Assessing and Understanding Common Wounds Safer Injection, Wound CareLindsey MoranoOctober 21, 2023text, batch1, first aid, first-aid, emergency, emergency room, ER, antibiotics, redness, fever, infection, hot, painful, cotton fever, cottons, abscess, care, first, aid, doctor, antibiotic, wound
Wound & Abscess Care for People Who Use Drugs Safer Injection, Wound CareLindsey MoranoOctober 20, 2023text, english, safe, inject, vein, abscess, wound, care, injection, cellulitis, endocarditis, sepsis, arteries, infection, fever, botulism, disease, illness, complication, batch3
Cuidado del Absceso Safer Injection, Wound CareLindsey MoranoOctober 19, 2023text, spanish, primeros auxilios, primero, auxilio, emergencia, sala de emergencia, urgencia, antibiótico, enrojecimiento, fiebre, infección, caliente, doloroso, fiebre del algodón, algodones, absceso, cuidado, primeros, auxilios, médico, herida, batch1
An Activist's Guide to Basic First Aid Safer InjectionLindsey MoranoMay 22, 2023first aid, aftercare, injury, tear gas, activism, herbalism, heat, chemical, pepper spray, protest, batch3
Going in the Groin: A guide to femoral injecting Safer InjectionLindsey MoranoMay 8, 2023IV, IM, shooting up, needle, syringe, aftercare, abscess, absesses, first aid, first-aid, emergency, emergency room, ER, antibiotics, drug user health, drug use health, collapse, DVT, deep vein thrombosis, sepsis, fever, minor, skin issues, numbing, bruising, ulcer, redness, feverinfection, hot, painful, cotton fever, damage, swollen, necrotizing fasciitis, cellulitis, skin, skin scare, skin care, guide, infections, sores, blood, circulation, artery, arteries, cit, citric acid, citric, vitamin, muscles, muscular, arms, arm, leg, legs, groin, feet, foot, batch2
Safer Tablet Injection Safer InjectionLindsey MoranoMarch 28, 2023crack, cocaine, meth, methamphetamine, batch3, pills, injection, tablet, sterifilt
Skin Care Guide for People Who Inject Drugs Safer Injection, Wound CareLindsey MoranoAugust 22, 2022text, featured safer injection, IV, IM, shooting, needle, needles, syringe, aftercare, abscess, abcesses, first aid, first-aid, emergency, emergency room, ER, antibiotics, drug user health, drug use health, collapse, DVT, deep vein thrombosis, sepsis, fever, minor, skin, issues, numbness, bruising, ulcer, redness, infection, hot, painful, cotton fever, cottons, damage, swollen, necrotizing fasciitis, cellulitis, skin issues, guide, infections, sores, blood, circulation, artery, arteries, citric, acid, vitamin, vitamin C, muscles, muscular, arms, arm, leg, legs, groin, feet, foot, routes of administration, ROA, administration, infufflation, nose, bump, bumping, eating, oral, stomach, wound care, skin care, wound, hospital, doctors, nurses, urgent care, fact sheet, batch1
Safer Injection and Wound Care Safer Injection, Wound CareLindsey MoranoAugust 17, 2022video, IV, IM, shooting up, needle, syringe, aftercare, abscess, abscesses, first aid, emegency, emergency, emergency room, ER, antibiotics, drug user health, drug use health, collapse, DVT, deep vein thrombosis, sepsis, fever, minor, skin issues, numbness, bruising, ulcer, redness, infection, hot, painful, cotton fever, cottons, damage, swollen, necrotizing fasciitis, cellulitis, skin, skin care, guide, infections, sores, blood, circulation, artery, arteries, citric, acid, vitamin, vitamin C, muscles, muscular, arms, arm, leg, legs, groin, feet, foot, batch1
How to Dispose of a Syringe Safer InjectionLindsey MoranoJuly 12, 2022text, english, provider, disposal, needle disposal, sharps, gloves, hep c, hepatitis, blood, pathogens, biohazard, needle stick, exposure, safe disposal, container, pep, batch3
Safer Inhaling Safer InjectionLindsey MoranoJuly 12, 2022batch3, crack, cocaine, meth, methamphetamine, smoking, pipe, glass, stem, chore, screen, foil, pipe cover
Wound Care Zine Safer Injection, Wound CareLindsey MoranoJuly 12, 2022text, english, injection, intravascular, intramuscular, subcutaneous, IV, IM, shooting up, finding veins, veins, needles, needle, syringe, vein, aftercare, collapse, DVT, deep vein thrombosis, sepsis, hepatitis C, blood, poisoning, cellulitis, tetanus, cotton fever, staph, strep, MRSA, osteomyelitis, abscess, prevention, alcohol, saline, puss, ooze, self care, draining, circulation, artery, arteries, arms, legs, groin, rectum, roa, administration, wound care, skin care, skin, wound, routes of administration, treatment, healthcare, zine, endocarditis, batch3
What to Do if You Find a Syringe Safer InjectionLindsey MoranoJuly 12, 2022text, english, safe, safe disposal, disposal, syringe exchange, sharps container, HIV, hepatitis C, hepatitis, hep C, used, dispose, syringe disposal, HCV, prevention, batch3
Safer Smoking Supplies: Making a Foil Hooter Safer InjectionLindsey MoranoJuly 10, 2022crack, cocaine, meth, methamphetamine, smoking, pipe, glass, stem, chore, screen, foil, pipe cover, batch3
Slamming: Guia para la Reduccion de Danos asociados al uso de drogas inyectables en las sesiones de sexo Drug Specific, Sexual Health, Safer InjectionLindsey MoranoNovember 12, 2021seguro, inyectar, vena, inyección, inyeccion, arterias, infección, spanish, español, espanol, batch2, text
ASL Wound Care & Prevention Harm Reduction. Spanish (CC) Safer InjectionLindsey MoranoAugust 14, 2021video, ASL, sign language, batch2, spanish
ASL Wound Care & Prevention Harm Reduction Safer InjectionLindsey MoranoAugust 14, 2021video, ASL, sign language, batch2
Cooking Down Crack for Injection 1/4 Page Bilingual Printout Safer InjectionLindsey MoranoAugust 13, 2021text, english, spanish, crack, cocaine, coke, cook, acid, base, batch2
Video de Cómo Preparar un Aerosol Nasal para el Uso de Drogas: Una Guia de Reduccion de Danos por NEXT Safer InjectionLindsey MoranoAugust 13, 2021video, spanish, nasal, spray, aerosol, vía, administración, esnifar, calculadora, matemática, mg, miligramo, gramo, ml, mililitro, discreto, esteático, sobredosis, agua, soluble, matematica, esteatico, via, ruta, batch2