Drug related stigma and the language we use
For people who use drugs or have in the past, stigma is a barrier to a wide range of opportunities and rights. This is especially true for individuals from marginalized communities, as they have been historically the target of militant drug policies that focused on buttressing racial inequity and feeding carceral systems. The language that is used when discussing drug usage has the potential to further perpetuate the false notion that those that use drugs are inherently “bad people.” Mainstream media has played a role in creating a story that some drug users deserve more sympathy than others because of socioeconomic class and race. Below are some resources and further explanations as to how stigma has shaped drug usage and accessibility to safe supplies and rights.
Anti-stigma Glossary
In collaboration with the Peer Network of New York, Drug Policy Alliance has produced an invaluable glossary explaining how we are working to reduce stigma through language.
Respect to Connect: Undoing Stigma
This brief guide from the National Harm Reduction Coalition helps readers understand harms associated with stigma and negative perceptions of people who use drugs.
Media’s Softer Tone on Opioid Crisis
Michael Shaw of Reading the Pictures provides one of our favorite pieces on racial bias and the drug war. Read more about the “clear double standard in the visual framing of the opioid crisis.”
Five years ago, white families called for a ‘gentler war on drugs.’ Did we get one?
Today marks five years since the New York Times published its front-page article proclaiming “In heroin crisis, white families seek a gentler war on drugs.”
Language Use in Media
Changing the Narrative is a resource created by journalists, lawyers, doctors, and advocates for the purpose of supporting accurate, evidence-based media coverage of issues related to substance use. Although this resource targets journalists, it is helpful for anyone thinking through language and stigma.
I'm Breaking Up With the Word 'Addict' and I Hope You'll Do the Same
“Addict” is one of those words that so many of us use, largely without pausing to wonder if we should. We just take for granted that it’s totally OK to describe a human being with one word, “addict” – a word with overwhelmingly negative connotations to many people.
Nothing About Us Without Us
The War on Drugs: Promoting stigma and discrimination
Stigma Primer for Journalists:
A Guide to Better Reporting on Substance Use and the People It Impacts
Faith in Harm Reduction
Co-creating a justice movement which connects people who use drugs, people who do sex work, and communities of faith through the development of harm reduction centered spiritual resources, ritual support, and spiritual care.
Advocacy Against Racism and Decolonising Drug Policy
From Harm Reduction International, educational and discussion series on how racism and colonization have impacted drug policy globally. Links available to webinars and other related articles.
Conflict Resolution with Power and Privilege in Mind
This group facilitation guide covers how to deal with and resolve conflict with a focus on how privilege and power influence conflict resolution approaches. Includes strategies, group activities, self-refleciton activities, and definitions.
Tools for Addressing Chapter Conflict
This training guide from Black Lives Matter provides strategies and principles when dealing with conflict particularly in social justice collaboration settings.
Taking the First Step: Suggestions to People Called Out for Abusive Behavior
This article provides 10 suggestions for community accountability and addressing abusive behavior for people who have caused harm to others. Trigger warning: mentions of sexual assault and abuse.
20 Subtle Ways White Supremacy Manifests in Non-profit and Philanthropy
white supremacy isn't just the foundation that led to current and past mass events of racial genocide. It exists in subtle ways including in nonprofits who say they aim to help. This article presents 20 subtle ways that white supremacy is at the core of harm caused by nonprofits. Trigger Warning: mentions of genocide.
Recovering from Racial Trauma Resource Index
A resource list on racial trauma for healing and self-care primarily for POC.
Harm Reduction Intersects
This webpage highlights various movements, resources, and groups that intersect with Harm reduction from racial equity, sex work, health care, lgbtq+ and more.
Respect to Connect: Undoing Stigma
This fact sheet reviews stigma and liberation, how our actions, beliefs, and perceptions inform stigma, and shifting practices to reduce harm (like using person-first language and building relationships and trust with people who use drugs as important outcomes)
Some other resources…
Stigma and People Who Use Drugs Fact Sheet from Drug Policy Alliance
Principals of Harm Reduction from Harm Reduction Coalition
Stigma Reducing Language from Shatterproof
Whitewashing of the Opioid Crisis from the Chicago Reporter
Opioids and Race from Changing the Narrative
The War on Drugs: From Prohibition to Gold Rush by Jay-Z and Molly Crabapple
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