

You can read about the national naloxone shortage on Filter and The Washington Post.

This national shortage means that programs like NEXT and our partner affiliate Harm Reduction Sisters in MN are struggling to provide naloxone to the people most in need. Our priority populations include:

  • Individuals who use drugs that have no insurance to access naloxone in the pharmacy

  • Loved ones of people who use drugs that have no insurance to access naloxone in the pharmacy

  • Individuals who use drugs or their loved ones who live in rural areas and cannot access free community-based Narcan distribution

  • BIPOC and gender non-confirming individuals concerned about being stigmatized during in-person service

If you are not a member of the group above, we request that you attempt to access naloxone through another channel. This could mean clicking “I will find resources in my community” below and exploring if any of these options could work for you. It also may mean doing your own research or requesting that your local pharmacy carry naloxone if they don’t have any in stock- and complaining if they do not.

Furthermore, all intramuscular naloxone is short-dated to April, 2022. You can read more about expired and short-dated naloxone here.

NEXT Distro works to get naloxone to people who use drugs and the folks who are the most likely to be a first responder in an opioid overdose emergency. Once again, if you are not a person who uses drugs and if you are not likely to be a first responder, access supplies in your community. In addition, we do not supply service organizations, medical professionals, police departments, or other funded entities. You may reach out to us for advice after you have exhausted all other options.

Please choose the option that applies to you: