Below are some helpful videos and resources that we found on the internet or have been provided to share. We're very interested in expanding this selection, if you have a video or resource you think would be helpful, please email it to In addition, if there is something we should have up here but don't, email us about that too.
We're trying to find videos that aren't just in English and are more specific to rural and suburban communities, if you know of something please reach out.
More helpful resource links
Principals of Healing-Centered Harm Reduction by Reframe Health and Justice.
Injecting Advice: Out of the UK, this site includes articles, downloads, and external resources including the Safer Injection Handbook and a harm reduction article archive HERE.
Hepatitis C Basics for People Who Use Drugs: From Harm Reduction Coalition.
Reddit Opiates Wiki: A bunch of drug user authored support resources including a Withdrawal Survival Guide.
Healthcare for People Who Use Drugs: A series of videos that help people who use drugs navigate the healthcare system. Produced by the LA Community Health Project.
Quality Healthcare is Your Right: A practical guide from Harm Reduction Coalition.
Harm Reduction Coalition: Check out their Resources page
Getting Off Right: From Harm Reduction Coalition
North American Syringe Exchange Network: Find the syringe exchange closest to you
Methamphetamine Zine from Kat Humphries at Harm Reduction Action Center in Colorado. Also in Spanish- Metanfetazine: Una Guia para Reducción de Daños
Safe Smoking for Crack and Crystal from our friends in Vancouver