Looking for fentanyl test strips in New York City?

NEXT Distro + NYCDOH Can Help


The introduction of fentanyl into illicit drugs has been responsible for thousands of overdose deaths. Opioid overdose occurs when an individual takes too much of an opioid for their body to handle. Fentanyl is a synthetic opioid that is 50-100 times stronger than morphine. In recent years, it has been found in not just heroin, but in cocaine, methamphetamine, and counterfeit pills as well. 

Research has confirmed that fentanyl test strips are an accurate, low-cost, and relatively easy method of testing drugs for the presence of fentanyl and its analogs

A few notes about fentanyl test strips:

  • Naloxone can reverse a fentanyl overdose. It’s essential to have naloxone on hand if you or people in your network use substances. You can get naloxone for free through the mail. Click here to take a brief training and have naloxone mailed to you.

    • Slow or stopped breathing from a fentanyl overdose may occur much faster than an overdose from heroin. Please keep naloxone on hand in all cases.

  • Remember that fentanyl may not be the only potentially risky substance present in your drugs. Always start low and go slow. Fentanyl test strips can be helpful but aren’t always enough. Other drug checking tools like reagent kits can be used but legality varies by state & they are expensive.

  • These strips are originally made for testing urine. Harm reductionists have repurposed them to test fentanyl in drug residue. Please pay attention to the directions that will be sent to you when first using the strips.

Purchase Options
Fentanyl test strips can be purchased from DoseTest, DanceSafe and Bunk Police.

Request fentanyl test strips from MATTERS Network

Organizations and individuals looking for FTS that reside outside NYC can also request them from MATTERS Network, an organization that provides pathways to treatment and resources for people who use drugs and/or have mental health disorders.

For non-profits, organizations, and venues
This free fentanyl test strip program is designed to support individuals only. If you are interested in providing fentanyl test strips to others, you can purchase them (see above), or reach out to NYCDOHMH for more information about their ongoing efforts to end opioid overdose in New York City. You can also request fentanyl test strips

You can always come back here later to order more test strips.

More about fentanyl and fentanyl test strips


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