Quick Participant Facts


5.8% of our Distro participants are trans (680 out of 11,646)

7.1% of our Naloxone Participants are trans (8,023 out of 113,395)

    • 0.9% of all participants are pregnant

    • 1.8% of all participants are HIV+

    • 15% of all participants are BIPOC

    • 1751% more likely to have HIV

    • 85% more likely to be pregnant

    • 76% more likely to be BIPOC

    • 15% more likely to be homeless or unstably housed

    • 12% more likely to have a mental health disorder

    • 4% more likely to have no/unknown health insurance

    • 0.4% more likely to be on public benefits

    • Our Naloxone participants are 7x higher than national count of trans folks (7.1% vs 1%)

    • Each state's participants are nearly 8x more likely to be trans than national count (avg of 7.7%)

    • 77% of our trans participants live in unfunded states

    • Funded states have an average of 8.7% participants who are trans

    • Unfunded states have an average of 7.6% of participants who are trans

    • Trans participants are 28% more likely to have overdosed in the last year

    • Trans participants are 16% more likely to not have health insurance

    • 12 states have 10% or more of their participants being trans (VT, NM, RI, WA, MN, ND, IL, WI, UT, ME, OR, CO)

    • 52% of our trans participants live in 4 states (PA, OH, CA, MI)


TGNC people seek NEXT services at 26 times the rate of the US population (7.7% vs 0.3%), showing there is a significant overlap between drug users and the TGNC community. TGNC people have received services from our Distro program in 44 states and from our Naloxone program in 51 states (including DC), showing a national need for resources amongst the TGNC community.

There is also a significant need that our TGNC participants are showing as compared to cis people who utilize NEXT. Compared to cis people seeking services, TGNC participants are 18 times more likely to be living with HIV, 1.8 times more likely to be pregnant, and 1.8 times more likely to be BIPOC. TGNC participants are also 28% more likely to have overdosed in the last year, 16% more likely to not have health insurance, and 15% more likely to be homeless or unstably housed.