Organizations Requesting Naloxone

The Pennsylvania Overdose Prevention Program (POPP) is a joint initiative between the Pennsylvania Commission on Crime and Delinquency (PCCD) and the Pennsylvania Department of Drug and Alcohol Programs (DDAP). The program offers multiple formulations of naloxone as well as drug checking strips designed to detect xylazine and fentanyl at no cost to organizations across Pennsylvania. Supplies are distributed by designated individuals, groups, or organizations called Recognized Entities (REs).

POPP's goal is to enhance community-based distribution and harm reduction efforts, with a focus on reaching individuals with the greatest risk of experiencing overdose. These include, but are not limited to, the following populations:

    • People who are currently using drugs;

    • People who know someone currently using drugs;

    • Individuals using syringe service programs (SSPs) and harm reduction services; and

    • Justice-involved individuals with substance use disorders, including people who were recently incarcerated.

*You do not need to be legally organized (i.e., have a tax ID number) in order to be eligible to receive supplies through POPP.

Find a Recognized Entity in your County on this interactive map, which can be filtered by product, distribution methods, trainings offered, and will display contact information for getting supplies:

Grassroots Organizations & Technical Assistance

If you meet the above requirements, have already contacted your local RE, but are still having issues with receiving a regular supply of naloxone, please reach out to Julia Hilbert at Prevention Point Pittsburgh with this contact form in order to receive technical assistance: