Building a successful harm reduction platform isn’t possible without all of us
We are seeking partners and collaborators from across the United States involved with:
Traditional and non-traditional harm reduction and syringe exchange efforts specifically led by people who use drugs, people of color, young people, women, gender non-binary people, GLBTQ people, poor people, and others with lived experience
Unsanctioned, activist, and sanctioned harm reduction and syringe exchange efforts specifically led by people who use drugs, people of color, young people, women, gender non-binary people, GLBTQ people, poor people, and others with lived experience
Organizations and individuals advancing drug user health services based in autonomy and non-judgemental, non-coercive support
People who use drugs that are or are not connected to services or support systems
Drug user health support systems, specifically led by people who use drugs, people of color, young people, women, gender non-binary people, GLBTQ people, poor people, and others with lived experience
Community organizers, specifically committed to drug user health and empowering people who use drugs
Harm reduction mental health and medical practitioners, specifically people with a history of drug use, people of color, gender non-binary people, and GLBTQ people
We want to connect with partners and collaborators who share our values:
People who use drugs and the needs of people who use drugs are centered in every facet of NEXT’s work
The unsanctioned direct actions and activism of people who use drugs to take control of their own health and protect their own communities is respected and supported
The failure of the public health system to address the needs of people who use drugs is a systemic function of the drug war and profit-based healthcare system
NEXT builds leadership and power among people who use drugs both within our own organization and across the United States
NEXT is focused on resourcing and supporting people of color, people with low or no-income, young people, women, gender non-conforming people, and individuals and communities who have difficulty accessing traditional systems of care or who have been historically shut out of systems of care
NEXT’s supply distribution is focused toward people of color, people with low or no-income, young people, people who have difficulty accessing traditional systems of care or who have been historically shut out of systems of care
NEXT-produced education, resources, and support need to be accessible both in text and video format, and in English and Spanish
Please view our BIPOC Workplan to better understand how NEXT will address racial equity in harm reduction services through our work.
Ways to get involved with NEXT:
Affiliate as a state partner to develop and guide the rollout of NEXT services in your state
Affiliate as a state partner to provide mail-based naloxone distribution
Partnership to advance racial equity outreach and accountability
Join NEXT’s Medical Advisory Board (for individuals in the health field)
Join NEXT’s Research Advisory Board (for individuals in the research field)
Please use our contact form if you are interested in speaking more about collaboration and partnership.