Do you have expiring Narcan/naloxone?

If you have a significant amount of expired or soon-to-expired Narcan nasal spray or intramuscular naloxone that has been properly stored, please reach out to us. We may be able to utilize these supplies. Read more about expired naloxone here:

Currently NEXT is not accepting Amphastar (2-step) nasal naloxone. If you have this type please reach out to us, we will connect you with someone who can utilize it.

NEXT does not accept small donations of expired Narcan (less than 10 doses). If you have a few doses of expired naloxone or Narcan, we recommend that you keep those doses around. If for whatever reason you do not want to have expired naloxone in your home, please do not throw it away. Give it to someone who may need it. This could be a local restaurant, bar, church, bus station, or NA/AA meeting location.


Mail it to US:

NEXT Harm Reduction
c/o Harm Reduction Coalition

22 West 27th Street, 5th Floor
New York, NY 10001
