Image of Community-Created Resources

What Is Harm Reduction?

English & Spanish versions

by Jamie Harary


Skin care guide for People who use injection Drugs

English & Spanish Versions

by Kate Lacour


Joyeux Noir No. 1 & 2:
An Afro-futurist Harm Reduction Zine

by Mallory Culbert


What Is Harm Reduction?

English & Spanish versions

by Haley Matis-Uzzo


Postcard Series:

Greetings from Wasteland, USA!

by Mallory Culbert

Postcard Series:

The Evolution of Policing

by Mallory Culbert

Postcard Series:

Greetings from Stolen Land

by Mallory Culbert

Postcard Series:

Drugs in the Media

by Mallory Culbert

Postcard Series:


by Mallory Culbert


Usando Tiras de Prueba de Fentanilo

Translation: How To Use Fentanyl Test Strips

Created by NEXT Distro and Bronx Móvil

Mensaje de organización: Todos los materiales de educación de promoción de salud deben ser lingüísticamente y culturalmente centrados. El desarrollo de dichos recursos es parte de nuestra tarea como activistas que movilizan para la salud de las personas que usamos drogas. Este video es una colaboración a seguir -- queremos que la reducción de daño, tanto el movimiento de justicia social y equidad como los instrumentos de salud pública sean activados para todxs, las 24 horas al día y los 7 días a la semana.

Bronx Móvil Statement: All health promotion education materials must be linguistically and culturally centered.That is part of our task as activists who mobilize for the health of people who use drugs. This video is a model of collaboration - we want harm reduction, both the social justice and equity movement and its public health instruments to be activated for everyone, 24 hours a day, 7 days a week.


Social Support Guide for People Who Use Drugs

It can be hard to find ways to talk through your thoughts and feelings around your drug use. This can be true whether you are a very social person or more of a loner. Support from others like you exists! 

This guide can help you tap into finding one (or more!) that works for you.

This is not a guide to finding professional helpers like therapists or doctors. Instead, it’s a way to find regular people who can offer ideas, support, or just a listening ear.

Written by Jess Williams with the support of NEXT Distro